The 6th February 2018 is the centenary of the 1918 Representation of the People Act and Heritage and Culture Warwickshire will be celebrating 100 years of Women’s Suffrage with three #Vote100 events.
Places must be prebooked by visting or calling 01926 412500
Behind the Scenes: Votes for Women
County Record Office
Monday 26th February 10.30am to 12pm
Come and see some of the records relating to women’s suffrage at the County Record Office and have a behind the scenes tour of our strong rooms. Cost: £7.50
Warwickshire Women and the Fight for the Vote
Market Hall Museum
Thursday 1st March – Talk 7pm to 8pm, Museum closes at 9pm
What role did Warwickshire women play in the fight to gain the vote at the beginning of the twentieth century? This talk by Dr Sarah Richardson of Warwick University will uncover some of the fascinating characters and their stories as women struggled against the political establishment to win the argument for female enfranchisement. The women used a wide range of tactics such as boycotting the 1911 census, challenging voter registration, holding bazaars and garden parties, and more militant methods such as mass rallies, stone throwing and defacing works of art. Although the focus of the women’s suffrage movement is often London and on major figures such as Emmeline Pankhurst and Emily Wilding Davison, this talk will demonstrate that it involved ordinary men and women right across the country. Cost: £7.50
Selina Cooper: Working Class Suffragist
Market Hall Museum
Monday 16th April – Talk 2pm to 3pm, Museum closes at 4pm
Family historian Jennifer Cranfield talks about her great aunt, who was one of the few women suffragists who spoke on a national platform. Cost: £7.50